Bay Area Book Artists (BABA) is a group of independent artists bound together by a passion for the book arts.
Book Arts Bazaar
A celebration of the book arts. Presented by the Bay Area Book Artists on Oct 19 • 10:00 am-4:00 pm at Veterans Memorial Senior Center 1455 Madison Ave., Redwood City
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ALL ARE WELCOME… We are a group of independent artists bound together by a passion for the book arts and an all-volunteer organization run by the energy and generosity of our members. There is no fee for membership. We ask only that you volunteer in some capacity to help in the ongoing operation of the organization.
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Member Galleries
Immerse yourself in the creativity found in the BABA Galleries. The Artist Galleries show artists books created by currently active BABA members. The Member Archives are the galleries from BABA’s prior website. Both contain unique and inspiring art.
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